
This and that...mostly that

It has officially been too long since I last posted.  I have been a busy beaver with reading, homework, and church responsibilities. 

However, Michelle and I got away for a Friday night and Saturday for my birthday recently, and that was a wonderfully restful time.  When she asked me what I wanted for my birthday I told her that I wanted to go away somewhere, but it had to be a day trip.  I finally decided on the Creation Museum near Florence, KY.

They previewed a new DVD on global warming the day we were there that I would commend to everyone.  We should all be responsible stewards of the environment but it reinforced my suspicion that global warming is not primarily man-made. 

For instance,  there is reliable research which suggests warming trends may be caused by sun spot activity.  Although not definitive, the correlation between historic global temperatures and past sun spot activity is very compelling.  Related to this is the fact that our oceans give off more carbon dioxide than humans produce, and this production increases when the water is warmer; like when sun spots are more active.

I would encourage everyone to check out the museum (including planetarium) sometime soon.  It is a very high quality museum that is dedicated to sharing the gospel through their displays and feature presentations. 

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